stats for project PPSE10K_20101014

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And the future looks like ... prophecy ;)
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user total achieved today progress yesterday yesterday progress progress since a week ago progress since a month ago
Pilgrim14,998,068 0 14,998,068 0 0 0
Aeneas14,139,451 0 14,139,451 0 0 0
Allxx13,049,906 0 13,049,906 0 0 0
Steve_Martin@SETI.USA11,624,780 0 11,624,780 0 0 0
reklov2,220,740 0 2,220,740 0 0 0
Cyph3r2,072,689 0 2,072,689 0 0 0
Madmaks1,430,115 0 1,430,115 0 0 0
JimmyLem1,391,639 0 1,391,639 0 0 0
geeknik1,329,973 0 1,329,973 0 0 0
dh1saj1,171,426 0 1,171,426 0 0 0
Vector_Bitmap1,104,280 0 1,104,280 0 0 0
Mathew_Steine782,035 0 782,035 0 0 0
tocx773,296 0 773,296 0 0 0
endlessmike724,898 0 724,898 0 0 0
valterc639,287 0 639,287 0 0 0
PG_username631,851 0 631,851 0 0 0
steveharvey595,012 0 595,012 0 0 0
dar1008503,438 0 503,438 0 0 0
kto498,276 0 498,276 0 0 0
LookAS459,748 0 459,748 0 0 0
Sideshow_Larry456,665 0 456,665 0 0 0
KWSN-MajorKong424,003 0 424,003 0 0 0
spamguy395,912 0 395,912 0 0 0
unconnected395,002 0 395,002 0 0 0
BobW369,328 0 369,328 0 0 0
Alan364,697 0 364,697 0 0 0
Ralf_Recker361,717 0 361,717 0 0 0
burenka359,733 0 359,733 0 0 0
[SG-SPEG]BerndBrot340,799 0 340,799 0 0 0
Redstar3894322,548 0 322,548 0 0 0
some-one295,268 0 295,268 0 0 0
Freeze243,568 0 243,568 0 0 0
David231,469 0 231,469 0 0 0
grueny230,780 0 230,780 0 0 0
Mika227,709 0 227,709 0 0 0
Matthias_Sobczyk187,298 0 187,298 0 0 0
gerd185,708 0 185,708 0 0 0
SysadmAtNbg127,534 0 127,534 0 0 0
pschoefer123,372 0 123,372 0 0 0
Ortiz100,617 0 100,617 0 0 0
bruce89,346 0 89,346 0 0 0
BruceS78,003 0 78,003 0 0 0
Tanya_Puckett72,840 0 72,840 0 0 0
Benva65,381 0 65,381 0 0 0
DoctorNow64,576 0 64,576 0 0 0
sm5ymt56,186 0 56,186 0 0 0
cmorton55,848 0 55,848 0 0 0
WardDeRidder53,208 0 53,208 0 0 0
Sean51,208 0 51,208 0 0 0
Sash48,780 0 48,780 0 0 0
Wolley6841,895 0 41,895 0 0 0
ateam40,744 0 40,744 0 0 0
Mattyp10139,912 0 39,912 0 0 0
Vector39,052 0 39,052 0 0 0
Warped35,124 0 35,124 0 0 0
HAmsty34,660 0 34,660 0 0 0
Jay33,630 0 33,630 0 0 0
mdettweiler31,732 0 31,732 0 0 0
Iain_Bethune31,095 0 31,095 0 0 0
RoseCroixChironius26,154 0 26,154 0 0 0
Matthias_Lehmkuhl24,181 0 24,181 0 0 0
Robert4721,599 0 21,599 0 0 0
Kevin_D_Puckett18,839 0 18,839 0 0 0
tepek16,099 0 16,099 0 0 0
Robert7NBI14,861 0 14,861 0 0 0
Chew-Z13,784 0 13,784 0 0 0
vanklein13,435 0 13,435 0 0 0
Menipe11,954 0 11,954 0 0 0
USERID11,486 0 11,486 0 0 0
Ondra@SpaceFamily.CZ9,865 0 9,865 0 0 0
Gurney8,024 0 8,024 0 0 0
Jeff177,100 0 7,100 0 0 0
Tommy2,985 0 2,985 0 0 0
Michael_Goetz2,194 0 2,194 0 0 0
Vato1,379 0 1,379 0 0 0
[SG-SPEG]GER_Moki1,377 0 1,377 0 0 0
34775919 0 919 0 0 0
BernhardFrey460 0 460 0 0 0
Canossi460 0 460 0 0 0
SlangNRox230 0 230 0 0 0
alexpoon115 0 115 0 0 0
last database update: 2023-04-08 11:57:42 CEST (GMT +02:00)

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