project | candidate | prime score | decimal length | team | client | date reported |
PPSE11K | 5121*2^141401+1 | 0.07180770735952 | 42570 | | htpc | Monday 24th of May 2010 10:29:16 AM |
PPSE11K | 5009*2^141291+1 | 0.071635367732432 | 42537 | | haulace | Monday 24th of May 2010 01:28:59 AM |
PPSE11K | 4199*2^140525+1 | 0.070442944797904 | 42306 | | haulace | Thursday 20th of May 2010 04:13:18 AM |
PPSE11K | 3177*2^141212+1 | 0.071510778055957 | 42513 | | haulace | Sunday 23rd of May 2010 06:16:22 PM |
PPSE11K | 5299*2^141650+1 | 0.072198819284257 | 42645 | | haulace | Tuesday 25th of May 2010 04:35:07 AM |
PPSE11K | 1467*2^141312+1 | 0.071665464345013 | 42543 | | haulace | Monday 24th of May 2010 03:19:42 AM |
PPSE11K | 1803*2^142133+1 | 0.072958962916335 | 42790 | | haulace | Saturday 29th of May 2010 01:05:30 AM |
PPSE11K | 8219*2^142293+1 | 0.073216251103203 | 42839 | | haulace | Saturday 29th of May 2010 03:21:37 PM |
PPSE10K | 4987*2^150110+1 | 0.086355112499568 | 45192 | | haulace | Friday 04th of June 2010 08:33:31 AM |
PPSE10K | 2729*2^150739+1 | 0.087475219687944 | 45381 | | haulace | Sunday 06th of June 2010 07:04:18 AM |
PPSE10K | 2361*2^151091+1 | 0.088106812654724 | 45487 | | haulace | Tuesday 08th of June 2010 12:32:01 AM |
PPSE10K | 2613*2^151305+1 | 0.088492786931769 | 45551 | | haulace | Tuesday 08th of June 2010 03:45:08 PM |
PPSE10K | 6475*2^152052+1 | 0.089850492754356 | 45777 | | haulace | Friday 11th of June 2010 03:35:02 PM |
PPSE10K | 8315*2^152191+1 | 0.090104887863702 | 45818 | | haulace | Saturday 12th of June 2010 11:12:20 AM |
PPSE10K | 1593*2^152304+1 | 0.090307156875049 | 45852 | | haulace | Monday 14th of June 2010 11:42:18 AM |
PPSE10K | 9675*2^152532+1 | 0.090729814773022 | 45921 | | haulace | Tuesday 15th of June 2010 09:19:33 PM |
PPSE11K | 1803*2^142133+1 | 0.072958962916335 | 42790 | | haulace | Saturday 29th of May 2010 01:58:04 AM |